Windows batch file which takes a z80 assembly file as an input and runs TASM32 with the correct parameters to generate a ZX81 compatible object. Also available on GitHub
First attempt at HiRes game on a standard ZX81 includes a 'split screen', where the final few lines of the display are flipped back to lowres to display the lives and score
Contains all the building blocks for a classic game
Source code for a simple breakout clone, designed to include all the elements of a classic game: a player controlled character (bat), a computer controlled character (ball) and interaction between the 2 (collision detection). Source also on GitHub
Full source of classic HiRes Invaders game on a standard ZX81
Includes code to do HiRes/LowRes split screen *to display lives, score etc. on last few lines) tested and working on a real ZX81. Full sorce is also up on GitHub
Full source of the classic maze game in hires on a standard ZX81
Ghost behaviour is based on details from The Pacman Dossier. The goal was to write a fast, HiRes version of PacMan on the ZX81 that played at least a it like it's arcde parent. Full source is also available on GitHub
First attempt at HiRes game on a standard ZX81 includes a 'split screen', where the final few lines of the display are flipped back to lowres to display the lives and score